Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 3 of 30 - Flea Market!

Stats for today.

Day 3
Pet Name:  あいこ
Hearts: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ (full hearts!)
Steps: ~10,600+/5,000
km: 5.34
kcal: 352
Slots: full
Happy Days: 3
Sad Days: 0
Pet's messages:
いっしょにがんばろう (let's do well together!)
やっぱり夏はあついね (summer is always hot, isn't it?)
♪るん ♪るん ♪るん (run run run)
ケーキ1個分歩いたよ(One piece of cake, I walked you know)
Went to a HUGE outdoor flea market today, which got me well over 10,000 steps. Didn't buy too much, but it was fun and tiring! I actually found some vintage my little ponies for 25 cents, so I grabbed a few o3o (And now for the Japanese version of this paragraph, because it's good practice)
日本語で: (日本語で上手に話す人:ごめんなさい orz)
た o3o

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 2 of 30 - An angry angel

Stats for today.

Day 2
Pet Name:  あいこ
Hearts: ♥ ♥ ♥ (full hearts!)
Steps: ~7,300+/5,000
km: 3.66
kcal: 241
Slots: full
Happy Days: 2
Sad Days: 0
Pet's messages:
いっしょにがんばろう (let's do well together!)
やっぱり夏はあついね (summer is always hot, isn't it?)
@12:58AM: 夜ふかしはほどほどに。。(Stay up late in moderation...) This sentence is interesting because the 'ほどほど' part might be a pun. 'ほどほど' means 'moderation', but 'ほど' by itself means 'walking pace', which Teku Teku Angel is all about!
@1:18PM: おひるごはんたべた?(did you eat lunch?)
♪るん ♪るん ♪るん (run run run) Just happy noises, as far as I can tell (he's not saying "run" as in the English verb, but 'roon')
After step goal has been met: ノルマ??戒おめでとう! (Step assignment, congratulations!) One of the kanjis was rather illegible :(
ケーキ1個分歩いたよ(One piece of cake, I walked you know)

I'm a bit confused about pushing 'select' and 'select + b' on the pet/step screen. Sometimes pushing select makes the pet's animation change, other times it brings up a message. It might have something to do with the responsiveness of the buttons, which don't always register when you think they would.Today, pushing select made my pet make an angry face, and a spike of hair appeared on his head! Maybe he was mad I stayed up late last night ^_^; I was reading that pets can have various personalities, but I'm not sure if that effects their growth.

Day 1 of 30 - Lazy Summer

Stats for today.

Day 1
Pet Name:  あいこ
Hearts: ♥ ♥ ♥ & 1/2 (I made it over the 5,000 step mark, so it gained half a heart!)
Steps: ~7160+
km: 3.58
kcal: 236
Slots: full
Happy Days: 1
Sad Days: 0
Pet's messages:
いっしょにがんばろう (let's do well together!)
やっぱり夏はあついね (summer is always hot, isn't it?)


Went to the beach today, that required going up and down a dune via stairs and inclined sand, which added about 2,000 steps to the total. I'm going to test if bike riding registers any steps or not compared to walking the same distance. I'll also test different cardio related activities (running in place, jumping jacks, etc) to see which one makes the step count go up quickest.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 0 of 30 - Teku Teku Angel Start!

I've decided to document my experience with Teku Teku Angel. It is basically a Tamagotchi-style virtual pet that has a built in pedometer. It tracks your steps, calculates a distance traveled based on the step width you entered in, and also gives an estimated kcal/calorie burn number. To top it all off, it's 100% in Japanese :) This is the version I have, that I found on ebay from a seller located in Japan:

This is another version I found searching online. I believe it's called Teku Teku Angel 'Due', but I'm not sure if it came before or after my version.

Some interesting notes about Teku Teku Angel:
♪ You do not have to feed or clean up after it like most virtual pets. I suppose they wanted you to focus more on your physical activity than sitting around caring for your pet. It's more of a 'walking buddy' than a creature that demands constant attention, which makes it nice for...people who have lives I guess?
♪ Somewhat recently, a new version of Teku Teku Angel has been released that is compatible with the Nintendo DS. It obviously can go more in depth with diet and exercise advice, which would be fun to mess with. I originally wanted to get that, but it was a little too expensive. Perhaps sometime in the future I will try it.
♪ There is a nice built in clip on the back for hooking to pants, backpack, or a belt. The instructions show a small tether that looks like it can be looped onto the corner of the device in case the clip slips off of whatever it's hanging on, but it didn't come with one.
♪ "Teku" means 'tech' or 'technology' in Japanese. So it's a "tech angel" pet :O

Anyway, onto the stats for today.
Day 0 (it starts on 0, and I suppose it will change to 1 once a full day has passed)
Pet Name:  あいこ (English: Aiko, Kanji: 愛子 meaning 'love child' or 'dear child'. Hiragana is the only option for entering names)
Hearts: ♥ ♥ ♥
Steps: ~4400 (I didn't start it in the morning, so I didn't get as many steps in as I could've.)
km: 2.21
kcal: 145
Slots: full (The more you play and win the slot machine game, the happier the pet seems to become)
Pet's messages:
いっしょにがんばろう (let's do well together!)
やっぱり夏はあついね (summer is always hot, isn't it?)
*I think it's interesting that even though they have complex kanjis that appear in the game, so far the pet messages are mostly in hiragana. Perhaps this is to make it seem younger and more naive :3